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Meet Jenifer

A mindfulness meditation mentor and instructor. 

A heart-centered embodiment coach working with releasing tension in the body and strengthening nervous system response and resilience.

An intuitive healer using quantum maps such as astrology, chakra alignment, sound frequencies, and brain-heart coherence for healing and alignment with higher consciousness.


IAC (individual, ancestral, and collective) trauma-informed transformational facilitator and space holder.


I have been helping others get unstuck since 1998

It was 1998 when my teachers at massage therapy school in Boulder, Colorado, noticed my intuitive ability to energetically read others. I was offered a special training in Zen Shiatsu tradition, specializing in energetic awareness, working with energy fields and multidimensional accesses.  


I have since been initiated and have worked with many teachers, such as Dolores Cannon, Dr. Sarah Jane, Candace Silvers, Peter Levine, Richard Swartz, Debra Silverman, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Don Stapleton, Sander Ingerman, Alberto Villolobos, David Elliot, Thomas Hübl, and Eckhart Tolle. 


I have studied in India and other parts of Asia as well as in South and Central America. For the past 20 years, I have been settled in beautiful Costa Rica where I have worked as a healer, a journey woman, a ceremony creator, and a spiritual counselor. 

Image by Sophie Dale

My Gift

One of the many gifts that is often awoken in spiritual practice is access to extrasensory perceptive capacities.


Extrasensory perceptions are clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, and clairsentience. 


I regularly experience and use all four and so can you. 

Yet it is often hard to see yourself without a mirror, a reflection, a relational space. 

I will be a sacred mirror for you, reflecting what you are holding and carrying within your energetic field. Through a multi leveled inquiry practice I will guide you to clear blockages in your body in order to release protected energy that you need to function optimally in your life.  


When you cultivate self awareness, through practice, familiarizing yourself with the quality of the energy that is both moving and stuck, you learn to work with opening and receiving the information needed to tune into your own flow state and move forward through your life seamlessly and
with joy.  


The body is an essential component in your experience of health, wellness, happiness, and abundance. Through the body, we will tap into your innate abilities to create what you and often others need in any given moment. 

"The body is the secret to wholeness and happiness and 
all things are possible through the heart."
~Jenifer Cowles

My Tools 

             Healing is a multidimensional journey that requires skillful use of tools. 

Embodiment Practice 

Somatic movement practice including meditative dance, deep fascia stretching, chakra activations, Qi gong, tapping, toning, acupressure, nature grounding, and elemental wisdom to support and recharge your experience 

Mindfulness Awareness

  Mindfulness meditation awareness practices, guided meditation and inquiry techniques to facilitate a successful journey into your inner world where the secrets of your purpose and destiny will be revealed to you.

Heart Intelligence

 Heart rate variability practices like loving kindness, compassion, coherence, non-resistance, radical honesty and acceptance can free us from the isolation of hyper rationalization and give access to deep healing for you and for those you love.

Parts and Process

Influenced by the ancient Tibetan practice of Chöd we work with the internal parts of ourselves that protect us from harm, violation, and pain. We ask permission to open up to more freedom from these protective structures that often block our joy and satisfaction. 

Frequency Medicine 

 Multidimensional support using sound frequency, access to deep brain wave states, ancestral resources, regression, breath work, mystical teachings, your astrological soul map, and cultivation of the ability to tune into higher states of consciousness for guidance. 


A personal daily practice that ignites a sacred relational experience with various aspects of life.  This means initiating direct contact with what IS happening and intentionally aligning with and directing the flow of life intelligence through your actions. 

Shadow on the Wall

My Training

Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program

Meditation Instructor and Mentor 

Thomas Hübl - Academy of Inner Science

Timeless Wisdom Training (2 years) and Collective Trauma Facilitator Training (in progress - 3 years) 

Debra Silverman Astrology - A School of Astrology

Elemental Astrologer

Boulder College of Massage Therapy

Licensed bodywork and somatic practitioner 

Yoga Alliance

Registered Yoga Teacher

David Elliot

Level 5 Breath work instructor

Spinal Energetics

Level 1 Practitioner Training

Quantum Touch Practitioner Training

Dolores Cannon School of Hypnotherapy

Level 2 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Therapist   

Jonathan Goldman Sound Healing Facilitation Training

Eckhart Tolle School of Awakening and Conscious Manifestation 


Resilient Heart  

A Trauma-Informed HeartMath Certification

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