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Does this speak 
to you?

  • you are feeling stuck and not progressing

  • you want to know how to move forward

  • you or a loved one are in crisis and need support 

  • you desire to align with and access your purpose 

  • you would like to start a spiritual practice that makes sense with your lifestyle

  • you are serious about healing and wholeness and ready to invest time in its pursuit

  • you want more love and intimacy in your life

  • you are curious about your own extrasensory perception and want to work with it

  • you want to be a better parent, lover, friend

  • you would like to help family members and people close to you who are suffering

  • you want to transform your work in the world

An obstacle or a crisis is a portal for growth.

~Jenifer Cowles 

Access your own intuitive wisdom

Attempting to figure out everything on our own rarely works. We need a mirror, a reflector.


As a mentor, I will hold the space and provide the tools for you to open to what is within you, what you are carrying and holding giving you access to your deep memory of who you were born
to be


I will help you access the vulnerability you need to feel in order to connect to your own and our shared humanity.


This is the secret to satisfaction, a feeling of wholeness, and the ability to rest and be at peace with yourself in the world.  


The ultimate goal of this mentorship is for you to have access to your own intuitive wisdom and to establish deep trust with this connection in order to guide you and heal your relationships.​​​

You already understand. You already know.  It is with the gracious ease of the Tao that you can BEGIN to playfully navigate life from your deepest intuitive wisdom. 
~ Zen Master Soem sa Nim

The Process

Step One - TRUTH

Step Two - WISDOM

Step Three - CREATION

How we think, our stories, and memories are key components to really see ourselves and what life wants of us. When we get radically honest with the content of our mind, emotions, and the physical state of our bodies we then have the capacity to interpret, investigate and essentially rewrite the experience of ourselves.  The truth is that you are inexhaustibly powerful to meet the needs of your body, heart and mind when you learn the process of establishing a clear  relationship with your experience. 

Awareness practice is the golden ticket to access inherent intelligence. We will use the foundations of mindfulness to cultivate states such as witnessing, contemplation, loving kindness, forgiveness, and repair. This is the beginning of consistent nervous system regulation which creates a deeply empowering, peaceful, and alert relationship to life. You will be able you to meet life directly and engage with the forces of creation accessible within you. 

Knowing how to create and sustain a feeling of safety, confidence, and love within your being, you will be ready to connect with your creativity and purpose and move into your life in a new way. Daily creation practice is the art of attuning to your soul's path and discovering the sacred evolutionary purpose of every single event in your life. You will learn to connect to light and energetically open to receive your own guidance and wisdom as the informer of your life path. 

Perfect Waves

A surfer will know the exhilaration of riding a wave
as long as they are brave enough to paddle in. 



3 months


Deeper Dive

6 months



9 months


*payment plans available 


Three live sessions per month scheduled  flexibly alongside support between each live session in the form of:​


  • New moon and Full moon breath work sessions

  • Marco Polo/Telegram back and forth checking in and reflection 

  • Guided meditations specific to your journey 

  • Ongoing Astrological analysis past, present and future with options for synastry, electoral and psychological referencing 

  • Journaling prompts and homework

  • Live group meditation space to support your practice 

  • Channeled soul reading and dream interpretation 

  • Support with nutrition and movement for your individual needs

  • Options for in person retreats or sessions in Costa Rica 

  • Recommendations for group events and continuing education


(Depending on your needs this can be a full time support during your transformation.  Scheduling live time can be combined with other modalities.)

  • Schedule a 30-minute consultation to see if this is a fit for you.

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