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Sleep Walking

how we can live and stay in trance

It feels like a dangerous land with spiky trees and holes in the ground,

where endless cliffs loom in the imagination.

Worlds created within, walking blind with my own hands over my own eyes,

I do not know I can take them down.

Maybe I don’t even know that I have arms.

Do you know your hands?

Will you take them down?

Look and see that what is all around you is protected by your own two feet.

That it is you who walks,

Or doesn’t walk.

You don’t even have to walk.

You can sit or stand, as you choose.

I cry deeply to remember the fear that had me stumbling into thorns.

falling of cliffs,

and twisting my knee on holes in the ground.

Using my body like a toy.

One has to laugh to realize our own hands cover our eyes

and bend some gratitude to the grace that says, "you don’t HAVE to look."

Ecstasy for the realization,

and some compassion for the child that chose sleepwalking by mistake.

"How I feel about this world really matters,"

says a bird up on the branch.

What bird exists that isn’t free, I wonder looking up?

The sky, the tree, the wind, the clouds, the grass, the flower, the bee, the monkey the ant.

The living world!

There are no thorns at all anymore and the darkness was really just my eyes tightly shut.

The light is blinding,

but I will stay awake, thank you very much.

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