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We Are a Collective

Collective trauma facilitation work as a pathway for healing the world.

Our purpose is collective. We are one organism and purpose and satisfaction can be found in processing collective histories, culture, and ancestry together.

We are not alone, separate, or even individual except in that we represent one body, one mind, one spark of consciousness.

| Through our inspiration we bring unique qualities to our collective experiencing.

Your emergent intelligence and focused sensing is what you bring into each moment to be included into the awareness field between us all.

In one way the traumatization of the collective and the consequent fragmentation of relationship was a liberation of small scale tyrannies, abuse, oppression, behavior control, and cultism.

The ability to be individually supported and secure a freedom from the control of whatever dominate figure was or has been in your environment has been a wonderful evolution in external liberation.   And thank God! 

Yet, the swing towards the inability to trust, collaborate, commit, or even be aware of interdependence is the shadow of the unresolved feelings and fears in the history of human collective abuses and transgressions.

| Why do collective abuses and transgressions of the past effect us today?

Because they are alive in our collective mind and memory. You can see both the freedoms and the oppressions living within our cultural systems. Which does not make them bad, it simply makes them a reflection of us. A reflection of history, of complacency, of success, of desires met and unmet.

| How do we do it?

The bigness of collective themes is processed well within the collective of a group. This is a new science of healing that is being spearheaded by Thomas Hubl.

The experience he provides shows us that we can disapate the frequencies of collective trauma by standing strong together within the memory and felt sense of any event. When a group allows expression of emotion, even uncomfortable expression, there is a massive capacity to digest these past unprocessed energies in the collective field.

The Maharishi effect is named after such a phenomenon. When a group of people practice loving kindness meditation or other high frequency mind and heart coherence states for just a couple of hours each day there is a subsequent drop in crime in the surrounding area.

When we can see the power of this collective journey as a global species inhabiting a stunning earth, we understand that our lives depend on each other through the real need to experience love.

Love is not an ingredient we can live without. It effects our mental health, productivity, as well as our ability to combat disease.

To practice both giving and receiving love, we need each other.

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