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The Release of Suffering

Process work for integration of the human experience

The vast history of mystical longing shows that continued suffering is the main cause of a person seeking deeper answers about their own life story.


  • We typically avoid suffering at all costs

  • We regularly make choices that cause suffering for ourselves and others

  • On some level we are conscious of this suffering

  • This is an exhaustive cyclical pattern for our nervous system

  • We create this pattern through our participation in avoidance of suffering.


By facing our daily suffering, in small doses, we choose to allow ourselves to feel the nature of suffering within us, we can both avoid the accumulation of unfelt suffering in our systems, as well as prepare and gain strength for the potential perhaps inevitable BIG sufferings.

Life that allows suffering becomes strong.

When we first start on the path of self awareness and liberation from suffering, there is often a lot of clean up. A lot of working with habitual patterns developed in past moments of fear. 

What is the reasons and benefit of looking at this past events?

Because they do live within you, in your nervous system, in the present moment, showing up in in various symptoms of struggle in your life.

Trying to effect the future without fully processing the past is not possible, as many mystical leaders will confirm and...

Once we do this for ourselves we must do it for our culture and for the memories of the land.

This clean up process doesn’t have to go on and on. With focus and dedication the process of releasing stuck and undigested experiences can be quick and satisfying.

Not only that but new energy is available to you with each integration process.

The result:

Real manifestation, determining your future, can only be done with the fresh pure energy that becomes available through the spiritual practice of integration.

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