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Astrological Check-In

Take a look at what is happening NOW in the sky and how it is effecting your life.

1 h 15 min
125 US dollars
Online or Flamingo, Costa Rica

Service Description

Understanding your own and loved ones natal charts is an important first step. Beyond this we can engage with the current transits of the planets and stars to understand more precisely where you are in the timeline of your lives. What is moving now and what needs more time. We can look a the themes of the year in a solar return chart, when it is a good time to launch your new project electorally, where is a good place to move or travel, and we can look at what is going on in the collective at a global perspective which of course also effects our lives and movements. Connecting with the rhythms of the moon and rotational forces of the planets connects us to our power to generate and create efficiently and effectively.

Cancellation Policy

Plans can change, and I understand that you may need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. To book a one-on-one appointment, a 25% deposit is required. In case of a cancellation, 24-hour notice is required to refund your deposit. To ensure fairness, I will abide by the same cancellation notice. Emergency situations: If unforeseen emergencies require a cancellation, please contact me, and we'll work together to find a solution. Rescheduling or cancellation: To reschedule, please contact me promptly, and I will accommodate your request based on availability. Contact information: You can reach me at +1150687084188 or for appointment changes. By booking with me, you agree to this Cancellation Policy. If you have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me.

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